26 th of November shall be known in the history of independent and to say “Secular “India a major day of chaos on all walks of life for its citizen s in the financial capital of country, Mumbai.
Mumbai witnessed one of the worst terror attacks in history of mankind with attacks on the major landmarks of the city.
The damage caused by attack was significant both politically as well as mentally on the country and its people.
The major attribute linked with this attack was that the citizens who were targeted were from both walks of life. There was the common man as well as the page 3 celebrities who were targeted. The bullets fired from the terrorists didn’t ask the religion nor did it ask the social status. The worst part was that 14 brave policemen lost their lives to this heinous act of crime which is supposedly thought o be linked with Pakistan and eventually LeT (lashkar e tayyaba) and Islamic fundamentalists.
However seeing the volume of people who were dead (sorry to say with my due condolences with the families of the martyrs as well as the dead). It was not the same as the 93 blasts of Mumbai. It was comparable with the blasts in local and gateway of India .
However watching the media reacting to the situation, I felt that it has been somewhat biased in its views against this. This can be duly said because of many reasons. The target of the terrorists this time was not the common man only, but their primary aim was to target he high class society, businessmen and investors and nevertheless foreign diplomats and the tourists.
In all other cases the major target of the terrorists was the common man or the working class people. It is rather unfortunate to say that in a country like India no importance is given to a death or killing of a poor person than what importance is received for dog of a celebrity pooping on the roads and he/she proudly saying and acquainting the act.
The media was inviting the people from all walks of life , all the Ex’s which includes commissioners, militia chieftains, diplomats , bureaucrats and nevertheless page 3 celebrities.
To put it frankly the ex’s and others were reasonable enough on the actions and were able to justify the comments given by themselves. But lets take example of Page3 celebrities. Why the destruction of Hotels oberoi and tajmahal was given so much importance than the attacks on CST and Madam Kama hospital. The same number of people died on both places. Figures suggest that more died on CST and neighboring areas.
Some page3 guys were even crying on the hotel being let down into flames.
Accepted their attachment with the heritage symbols of the financial capital, however why was there no representative from the common man who also faced the consequences of the attack. They too have faced the brunt of the attack.
In a interview sharmila tagore even went to say that she shall not pay taxes etc to the government unless an until it provides good security. I don’t have any reasons to believe her statement is uninfluenced by personal benefit. This same incident was repeated on another show by simi garewal. Same thing was repeated by actor rahul bose.
1 day after the attack there was a rally in colaba for lighting candles. DO you really think that just lighting candles will help the persons who have lost their own blood in the attack?
Everybody started blaming the police and the army , navy etc for the irresponsibility in the pre attacks intelligence warnings. How many of them can urge to the government to pay decent salary to a constable or an inspector. How can the police with deagle or caliber 6 pistols fight the militants with ak variants and advanced weapons.
How many of the celebrities claimed or tried to agitate againsts the government on the September bomb blasts in Mumbai 2 years back.
My point is not to create any hatred or to depict any insensitivity to the seriousness of this subject. However I strongly feel the need of common man coming together and fighting together than these so called page 3 socialites.
Believe me this guys have never traveled by locals no they know the proper mumbaiyaa culture.